"Meer grip en minder gedoe voor medisch specialisten"Mark van BergenBusiness & team coach

Wendbaar medisch leiderschap nodig in tijden van turbulentie

Geschreven door Mark van Bergen

In deze tijden van turbulentie en externe druk, en dat zijn deze tijden in de zorg zeker, hebben we wendbaar (medisch) leiderschap nodig. Die wendbaarheid (agility) dien je als eerste in jezelf te zoeken. Ook een analytische club als McKinsey vindt daarbij hulp bij centered leadership, mindfullness en loslaten om de complexiteit het hoofd te bieden: “the problem is not the problem; it is our relationship to the problem”.

In het artikel Leading with inner agility van Burton, Lavoie en Vogel beschrijven zij de vijf persoonlijke gewoontes die de bouwstenen zijn van innerlijke wendbaarheid.

“In our experience, five personal practices can meaningfully contribute to the mind-set needed for leadership effectiveness during transformative times. They are extensions of timeless principles of centered leadership; taken together, they can be the building blocks of your personal inner agility:

  1. Pause to move faster.Pausing while remaining engaged in action is a counterintuitive step that leaders can use to create space for clear judgment, original thinking, and speedy, purposeful action.
  2. Embrace your ignorance.Good new ideas can come from anywhere, competitors can emerge from neighboring industries, and a single technology product can reshape your business. In such a world, listening—and thinking—from a place of not knowing is a critical means of encouraging the discovery of original, unexpected, breakthrough ideas.
  3. Radically reframe the questions.One way to discern the complex patterns that give rise to both problems and windows of emergent possibilities is to change the nature of the questions we ask ourselves. Asking yourself challenging questions may help unblock your existing mental model.
  4. Set direction, not destination.In our complex systems and in this complex era, solutions are rarely straightforward. Instead of telling your team to move from point A to point B, join them in a journey toward a general direction. Lead yourself, and your team, with purposeful vision, not just objectives.
  5. Test your solutions, and yourself.Quick, cheap failures can avert major, costly disasters. This fundamental Silicon Valley tenet is as true for you as it is for your company. Thinking of yourself as a living laboratory helps make the task of leading an agile, ever-shifting company exciting instead of terrifying.

To be clear, these steps are not panaceas but a set of interrelated touchstones. Nor are they trivial to tackle. But with conscious, disciplined practice, you stand a better chance of rising above the harried din of day-to-day specifics, leading your team effectively, and surveying your company and its competitive landscape with creative foresight.”

Voor het volledige artikel klik op Leading with inner agility | McKinsey & Company

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